| Prf | Dnc | Ttr | Fst |
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| F O R T H C O M I N G |

| 'Breaking the Pattern' |- '25 /
#  Invited to collaborate with six amazing Irish artists through the Creative Europe initiation.
Final presentaion of our works in April.

| 'Koumaria - Medea Electronique' |- '25 /
#  I will presenting live my latest music research in algorithmic composition - Shadowlands - at the beautiful village of Koumaria near Sparta.
Dates: 1-3/4/25. More info soon.

| P E R F O R M A N C E S |

| 'Apparition of a Triple Resonace' |- '25 /
#  Welcoming 2025 with an electroacoustic night with 3 live acts at KET in Athens. Curated by the Undertow.
| 'Ametric /w Media Luna' |- '24 /
#  Media Luna (Fotini Kokkali, Dimitri Barnias) performance at Ametric Festival 2024 at San Salvatore  Venetian castle in Chania 
| 'Ametric /w Rashad Becker' |- '22 /
#  tokeNo performance for Ametric at San Salvatore  Venetian castle in Chania 
| 'Ametric /w John Also Bennett' |- '21 /
Link /
Vid #  tokeNo performance for Ametric at San Salvatore  Venetian castle in Chania 
| 'Disinformation Strategies: Skloka Antenna' |- '21 /
#  Internet based performance at the abandonedSkloka TV Antenna.  /w  εναΔυο Media & Yiannis Kritikos.
| 'Roza Nera' |- '19 /
/ vid   Performing for Roza Nera squat in Chania. #
| 'w/ Iku Sakan @ Ride Cafe' |- '18 /
#   Showcasing my latest music work. 
| 'Stoa60' w/ Echo Canyon & Turbo Teeth' |- '18 /
  tokenO performance in Stoa 60 squat  #
| '2 Years Ride' w/ Pita & Turbo Teeth' |- '18 /
#   tokenO performance for Ride Cafe festival sharing the stage with Pita and Turbo Teeath
| 'Ride Cafe /w Rashad Becker' |- '17 /
link #   tokenO performance at Ride Cafe, sharing the stage with Rashad Becker
| '6Dogs w/ Feliformia' |- '16 /
link #  Playing for 6dogs birthday 2016 as Feliformia
| Atheati Poli Festival w/ Feliformia' |- '16 /
link #  Performing as Feliformia for Atheati Poli Festival.
| 'Stoa 60 w/ Feliformia' |- '16 /
link #  Performing as Feliformia in Stoa 60 squat in Heraklion.
| 'Animask' w/ D. Sideri & M. Malaxianaki' |- '15 /
vid #  A synergy an electric lute and a No Input Mixing Board, performed live for the  Butoh dance performance of Maria.
| 'European Music Day w/ Feliformia' |- '15 /
vid #  A live performance for the European Music Day withFeliformia. #
| ’Kinimatografiko Panorama' |- '15 /
link #  Performing live  on the movie Brumes d’ automne. w/ Christos Garbidakis and Giannis Katsikandarakis
| Catholic Church of Xalepa w/ Feliformia' |- '15 /
vid #  Performing asFeliformia at the Catholic Church of Xalepa. #
| Kydonia Theatre w/ Feliformia' |- '15 /
link / vid #   First live performance as Feliformia at Kydonia theatre. #
| 'Bios w/ Kommen Sie' |- '14 /
link #  Performing as tokenO at Bios with the Kommen Sie collective.
| Studio Steeling w/ Kommen Sie |- '14 /
audio #  Performing as tokenO with the Kommen Sie collective.
| 'astron bar w/ ill showcase' |- '13 /
link #  Performing as tokenO for the ill showcase at Aston bar.
| 'Ride Cafe w/ Nadja & Psyche Glyphs' |- '13 /
link #  Performing as tokenO at Ride Cafe. #
| 'Aspra / Maura Oneira' |- '13 /
link #  Performing as tokenO at Elaiourgion Contemporary art museum. #
| 'Mikro Mousiko Theatre' |- '08 /
link #  Performance atMikro Mousiko Theatre at Koukaki in Athens w/ Spyweirdos.


| D A N C E |

| 'Bridge' |- '22 /
13,14/10/22  Music for the dance performance Bridge by Ioulia Zacharaki.
| 'Stereocilia' |- '21 /
# Music for the dance performance Stereocilia by Maria Mentez. #
| 'Into the Flux: Jungle' |- '20 /
#  Performing live for  'Jungle'.  A  dance performance by Ioulia Zacharaki for Dance Days Festival 2020. 
| 'Off Borders Festival' /w Conus Magus' |- '18 /
& vid #  Performance in Thessaloniki at museum of modern art,  Invited by Off Borders Festival 
| 'Residency Promo w/ Kinitiras' |- '17 /
vid # Music for the Composers & Choreographers Residency at Kinitiras Dance studio
| ‘Definitely Maybe’ w/ I. Zaxaraki & M. Kotsia' |- '17 /
link #  Performing live for the Dance Days Chania 7 
| ‘Nikutai’ w/ Maria Malaxianaki' |- '16 /
audio #  Composing the music for the dance  performance Nikutai by Maria Malaxianaki
| 'Prebiotic Soup' w/ Aliki Chiotaki' |- '16 /
vid #  Improvised music for dance. Seven days dance Installation at Neorio Moro
| ‘Primordial Ceremony’ w/ X.Foitou & A.Chiotaki' |- '16 /
audio #  Creating music for a dance performance,  part of Undertow festival. 
| ’Midas’ w/ Dora Riga' |- '14 /
vid #  Music for the butoh dance performance of Dora Riga.
| ’Thysia Narkissou’ w/ Maria Malaxianaki' |- '14 /
link #  Music for a butoh performance by Maria at Kyndelis estate.
| ’Hydrotopoi’ w/ Thodoris Serafidis' |- '14 /
vid #  Music for a butoh dance performance - Clear Water Festival.
| 'Shadow Dancers' w/ Hnemois dance Co.' |- '13 /
link #  Music forMaria's Mentez dance play along with dance company.
'World Listening Project w/ Hnemois dance Co.' |- '13 /
link #  Music for dance, talks, meditation.  Introducing the World Listening Project in Chania.
| 'Mirage' w/ Hnemois dance Co.' |- '11 /
audio #  Making the music for  'Mirage'  dance performance by Maria Mentez.


| T H E A T R E |

| 'Vanilla Love' |- '20 /
#  Welcoming 2020 with music for the theater play Vanilla Love -  Youca theater. #
| 'To Donti tou Karxaria' /w Zoi Drakopoulou |- '18 /
#  Composing music for the theater playShark's Tooth based on the homonym book ofElena Akanthia #
| ‘Game over / Repeat’ w/ Stella Skordara' |- '17 /
vid #  Music and SFX for the theater play 'Game Over / Repeat' #
| 'Les Bonnes' w/ theatre 73100' |- '16 /
vid #  Creating the Music and SFX  for Les Bonnes - Theater 73100 #
| ‘and Juliet’ w/ theatre 73100' |- '15 /
link #  Composing the soundscape for the theatre playRomeo's  love, Juliet. #
| ’Xoris Esena' |- '15 /
link #  Music Programming for DIPETHE Κρητης w/stella Skordara. #


| F E S T I V A L S |

| 'Electroacoustic Music Days 2024' |- '24 /
#  01-03/11/24 - Presenting the piece 'Tuning The Ether' at this lovely annual gathering.
| Electroacoustic Spring 2024 |- '24 /
# Presentation of 'Silent Luminesence Ignites' work, based on Gendyn algorithm of I. Xenakis.
| 'I wish I was a Dragonfly' |- '23 /
# Electroacoustic composition for HELMCA Festival: Electroacoustic Music Days 2023
| 'ichorous' |- '23 /
& Video # Sound installations using Pure Data for Anoikta Pania Festival.
| 'False Spring' |- '23 /
# Electroacoustic composition for Electroacoustic Spring Festival 2023.
| 'Reveil 2023' |- '23 /
# Presenting 'The Port Has Never Left' for Reveil Festival 2023.
| 'Ametric Festival ' |- '22 /
#17/09/22  2022Ametric Festival  /  Live Performance /w Rashad Becker, Savvas Metaxas & Dalot #
| 'Dytikos' |- '22 /
# 30/04/22 Reveil 2022  Festival at Flora & Fauna Preservation Park Museum.  #
| 'In Progress Festival' |- '18 /
#  Composing music for MA Dance Company / 'A personal story' dance performance  #
| 'Δημιουργικές Γέφυρες Festival' |- '08 /
link #  A presentation for Acoustic Ecology  & a  live performance. #


| V I D E O A R T |

| 'Dance Days 2022 / Disenthrall' |- '22 /
#03/08/22  DANCE DAYS  2022  Festival / VIDEO DANCE SECTION / Dance Ioulia Zacharaki / Music & Video Dimitris Barnias#
| 'ZeroGround' |- '21 /
#  Video dance. Selected   for Dance Days Festival - July 2021. 
| 'Liquid Culture' |- '21 /
& Vid #  Video dance.  Selected  forTanzahoi International Dance Film Festival in Hamburg.  
| 'The Port had Never Left' |- '21 /
#  A small part of an ongoing  personal project exploring the acoustic identity of Chania. 
| 'She doesn't know' |- '21 /
#  Video Dance in the days of Quarantine created with Ioulia Zacharaki
| 'Love For Ever' |- '20 /
#  Music for Katerina's Koumakaki  latest video project.  #
| 'Dance Days 2019' |- '19 /
vid 1
vid 2 vid 3 #  Music & the sound Design forDance Days Festival.
| 'Miden Festival' |- '18 /
#  with Aliki Chiotaki & 60pulses
| 'Dance Days Chania /w Aliki Chitaki' |- '18 /
#  Music for Dance Days Chania 8 Promo Videos
| 'Pool Festival' |- '18 /
# Cypher with Aliki Chiotaki at Pool TanzFilmFestival in Berlin 
| ’Twine’ w/ Aliki Chiotaki' |- '18 /
vid #  Music and SFX for the video dance 'Twine'
| 'Dance on Screen' |- '17 /
link # Dance on Screen Festival in Austria with 60pulses
| ’60 Pulses’ w/ Aliki Chiotaki' |- '15 /
vid #  Music and sound design for the video dance60Pulses.
| 'Charybdis' w/ Katerina Koumakaki' |- '14 /
link & & vid #  Sound design and music for the video art Charybdis -  screened in London Greek Film Festival. #


| I N B E T W E E N |

| 'HELMCA cd' |- '25 /
I participate in this release with my electroacoustic piece 'Tuning with Ether'.
| 'Urban soundscapes: environment, art and 3d printing ' |- '24 /
#  16/10/24 - Educational Acoustic Ecology Workshops for Children, with Fottini Kokkali at Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center.
| Celebrating Natural Sciences |- '24 /
Presentation of the ichorous project, at ΕΦΚΕ celebrations of natural sciences in Chania.
| 'Media Luna' |- '24 /
# On going project with Fottini Kokkali. Part of a rehersal for a scheduling performace in Semptember '24.
| 'HELMCA cd' |- '23 /
My electroacoustic piece 'I wish I was a Dragonfly' featuring on the latest HELMCA CD.
| 'Grezia' |- '22 /
#Sounds from the Outer Space (of the Machines)
| 'Serious Games' |- '21 /
#SONGS OF EXPERIENCE Workshop with Jenny Marketou - sponsored by Municipal Art Gallery of Chania
| '75 Παλμοί' |- '21 /
& Vid #  A commissioned project for the Municipality of Chania  and Chania Soundcape Project.
| 'NTS Radio' |- '21 /
#  Recordings  for NTS Radio - Wooden Waves - included in their next INFINITE MIXTAPES series. #
| 'Otus Sound Garden' |- '20 /
#  Promo video for Otus Sound Garden music production studio in Kakopetros, Chania.
| 'Ειμαστε χιλιάδες, είμαστε άνθρωποι...' |- '20 /
#  Music forElia's Verganelali video,  demanding government support for artists during Covid19 quarantine.
| 'Owl of Kakopetros' |- '19 /
#  Aerial view of Otus Sound Garden recording studio in Chania.  
| 'Reality is a shelter amidst the eternal tempest' |- '18 /
#  A personal video with music & dance by Dimitris. 
| 'Intercept /w tokenO' |- '18 /
#  Audio and video from the unpublished Katrami Project. 
| 'One of these mornings /w Nikos Tsiros' |- '17 /
vid #  Music and sound design fora short film about police brutality in Athens 
| ‘Undertow - Agora’ |- '16 /
vid #  Producing and coordinating  the first festival of mixed experimental arts in Chania, Undertow - Main Old Market.
| ‘Animann /w Dimitris Sideris’ |- '16 /
vid #  Improvising in Diapason Studio with Dimitris Siderois playing an electric lute and Dimitris live electronics.
| 'tokenO' w/ ill' |- '12 /
audio #   A special mix  for iLL


| I N S T A L L A T I O N S |

| 'ichorous' |- '23 /
& Video # A Pure Data patch using mics inside an old Turksish acueduct and a free form speaker arrangment in an open field. #
| '75 Παλμοί' |- '21 /
& Video #  "Koule Soup" an installation playing with feedback, installed in one of the two castle towers.
| 'Χωροχρονικά Θραύσματα Μνήμης' w/ Yiannis Kritikos |- '17 /
link # Music designed for the 'Time and Space Memory Fragments' photography installation  #


| S O F T W A R E |

| 'Esotropio' |- '24 /
# Presentation of Esotropio, an Algorithmic Sample Sequencer. Work in progress.
| 'Pure Data Patches' |- '24 /
# Various Pure Data programming patches. Presentation and downloads.
| 'ichorous' |- '23 /
# Video Sound installations using Pure Data for Anoikta Pania Festival.
| 'Gemma' |- '06 /
link #  My software programming days: GEMMA VSTi FM Synth and Windows 98.
| 'AMIS Granular MIDI synthesizer' |- '05 /
download link #  My software programming days for soundtoys.net


| O U T P U T S |

| 'Shadowlands |-'25/ album  - 

| 'We Are Hear' w/ tOkeno |-'23/ mini album  - 

| 'State of Things ' w/ tokenO |-'20/ mini album  - 

| 'Between a Feather & a Fist ' w/ tOkeno |-'20/ mini album  - 

| 'Bipolar Archetypes ' w/ tOkeno |-'19/ album -

| 'Henon Variations ' w/ tOkeno |-'19/ mini album - 

| 'Common denominator' w/ tOkeno |-'17/ mini album -

| 'Synchronicity' w/ Feliformia |-'16/ album -

| 'Mantic' w/ tOkeno |-'15/ album -

| 'Init49' w/ Lee Fraged |-'14/ remix - 

| 'band reject' w/ this-side music |-'13/ album (re-issue) -

| 'lizAcid' w/ freshit Rec |-'11/ remix - 

| 'the joint stereo' w/ this-side music |-'10/ remix -

| 'Eclipse' w/ tOkeno |-'09/ album -

| 'dok: buzz' w/ this-side music |-'07/ album -

| 'Transparent' w/ dok - animann |-'05/ album